15 December 2011
Impossible Project PX100 Test Film - Photos & Features
Here are a couple more shots on the new Impossible Project PX 100 Silver Shade UV+. I took these just last night after work since I still had four shots left in my camera. Just a couple photos of cameras, books, etc. that I have sitting around my place.
Again, this film really does have some great dynamic range to it. Just like my first shots with this film, I also notice how sharp it can be, and how well it can handle shallow depth of field. Also like my first couple photos, these were taken with the lighten/darken wheel about two notches towards darken as the new PX 100 seems to shoot a bit fast. You'll also notice a bit of blur in these, but I was shooting handheld and lighting with nothing more than a pole lamp.
If you want to check this film out yourself, the Impossible Project just announced its official release today. You can read a little more about it on their newsletter (which I might just happen to have a photo in) and you can also find it as the featured deal of today's Impossible Advent Calendar.
Thanks once again to Impossible for selecting one of my photos to use in their newsletters, and of course for producing yet another great new instant film. I can't wait to see what's next!
Congrats on having your photo picked by TIP!! That's pretty cool. I need to go shoot more with this film but it gets too dark too quick and I suck at hand holding the SX70... I'm off of work starting tomorrow until next year though so I'll be sure to get some PX100 Time in :)