31 May 2011

Impossible Project PX600 BlackFrame PP - Flowers

Some of my early results with the Impossible PX600 Black Frame Poor Pod. I shot these two images this past weekend on a trip to Cincinnati, but these flowers were actually shot just over the Kentucky border in the garden of a very large, beautiful church. It was about 85-90 degrees at the time of these photos, which resulted in the sepia tones. Lovely.

Photograph Info:
Location: Covington, KY
Camera: Polaroid SX70 Sonar
Film: Impossible Project PX600 SS Black Frame PoorPod

25 May 2011

Impossible Project PX70 PUSH - Trike

Picked this trike up from an antique mall a couple weeks ago. I was buying a few other things, and got the guy to throw the trike in on the deal for free. I've always loved the look of these, especially the older ones, so I'm glad to have finally found one for the right price.

Shot on Impossible Project PX 70 PUSH using an SX70 Sonar.

Photograph Info:
Location: Parking lot, Cleveland OH
Camera: Polaroid SX70 Sonar
Film: Impossible Project PX70 PUSH

24 May 2011

Impossible Project PX680 First Flush & PX600 BlackFrame PP - The Viv Take 2

Spent Sunday afternoon hanging out with Vivian in Cleveland (who you might remember from an earlier post) Naturally, I took a few photos.

The top photo is PX 680 FF with an SX70 and ND Pack filter. The second is the Impossible PX 600 Silver Shade UV+ Black Frame using a Polaroid 600 Sun (that Vivians Mom happened to score for $2 dollars). The Black Frame also happens to be from a Poor Pod bundle, however 7 shots into my first pack I still haven't had any undeveloped patches. We'll see what happens moving forward as I have a lot more of that film to shoot.

Photograph Info:
Location: Cleveland OH
Camera: Polaroid SX70 Sonar
Film: Impossible Project PX680FF w/ND pack filter & Impossible Project PX600 Silver Shade UV+ Black Frame PP

23 May 2011

Impossible Project PX680 First Flush - Summertime

The weather this past weekend felt very summery... 70 to 80 degree temps and clear skies. So, in celebration, I spent most of my Saturday day-drinking in the best of company out on Whiskey Island. 

Of course, I also took a little bit of time to snap a couple instant photos and test out my very first pack of the Impossible Project's PX680 First Flush. Here are three of those photos from Saturday, all shot with a Polaroid SX70 Sonar using an ND pack filter as opposed to the traditional stick on ND.

The PBR can is definitely a favorite from this weekends shots (though there are some others great ones I will be posting soon enough) as the colors are some of the best that I've been able to get out of this film or the Beta film. The other two below, are from the marina on Whiskey Island, and are the first two shots out of this pack.
Overall, I'm pretty impressed with this film and how it's handled. I was shooting in pretty high temps, got great results with little fuss, and there is nearly no speckling/mottling to be seen. If anything, I've gotten better results from the FF than the Beta and we all know that Impossible will only continue to improve the formula from here.

Photograph Info:
Location: Whiskey Island Cleveland OH
Camera: Polaroid SX70 Sonar
Film: Impossible Project PX680FF w/ND pack filter

19 May 2011

Polaroid 100 Chocolate - Edgewater Beach

A tree that sits out on the rocks at Edgewater Beach in Cleveland. Taken on expired Polaroid Chocolate with a Polaroid 250.

Photograph Info:
Location: Edgewater Beach
Camera: Polaroid Land 250
Film: Polaroid Type 100 Chocolate/Exp 2009

18 May 2011

Kodak BW400CN - Mamiya 645

In the very beginning of April I had to head out to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum to shoot some nighttime exteriors of the building for their Broll Package. I just happened to have my old Mamiya 645 manual in the back of my truck at the time, so I decided that while I was out I would take a few photos... which of course led to me staying out for about two hours shooting photos.

To start, I stayed pretty close to the Rock Hall and shot some 30 second long exposures around the lake and harbor. Unfortunately, I don't have a cable release for this camera, so these exposures have a touch of motion blur from holding the shutter open manually.

Once the wind off of the lake started to get to me, I started home through the flats, which I drive on a daily basis, and I saw the scene from the photo below. For some reason it struck me, and I had to stop and take a few frames of it as well.
Shooting long exposures with film was definitely a different experience for me, but seeing as how this was my first time (and this was the first roll of film I've gotten developed from this camera) I was pretty happy with how they turned out. I think I will definitely do some more images like this around the Cleveland area this summer.

And of course, since I had a couple frames left on this roll when I ended up in Erie a short while later, here is another (and last for a while) photo of the lighthouse on the north pier of Presque Isle.
Photograph Info:
Location: Cleveland OH, Erie PA
Camera: Mamiya 645
Lens: Sekor 80mm
Film: 120 Kodak BW400CN

16 May 2011

Impossible Project PX70 PUSH - Foosball

For those of you who don't know... outside of photography, foosball is pretty much one of my favorite things to do. I started playing it about five years ago when I started my current job because we had a table in our lounge. I hated it, and was absolutely terrible at it, but for some reason continued to play. It's now become something of an addiction (similarly to instant photography) and it was only a matter of time before I put the two together. So, here are some foosball images shot on the Impossible PX70 PUSH! with an SX70.

And... if you happen to - 1. like foosball 2. be in the Cleveland area, and 3. want to play - you can often find me at a little bar called Manja in Lakewood on a Friday or Saturday night....

Photograph Info:
Location: Cleveland OH
Camera: Polaroid SX-70 Sonar
Lens: Fixed
Film: Impossible Project PX70 PUSH!

15 May 2011

Impossible Project PX70 Push - North Pier Lighthouse

Another photo of the lighthouse on the North Pier of Presque Isle in Erie, PA. This was taken at the same time as the photos from my previous post - Fuji 3000B North Pier Lighthouse - but this is taken on the Impossible PX-70 PUSH! using an SX-70.

Photograph Info:
Location: Presque Isle Erie PA
Camera: Polaroid SX-70 Sonar
Lens: Fixed
Film: Impossible Project PX70 PUSH!

12 May 2011

Impossible Project PX70 PUSH - Edgewater Beach

This past Saturday Ashley got ahold of me to see if I'd like to go out and shoot some photos since the weather was nice. I was hanging out on my own for the weekend, cleaning and running errands, so taking some time off to take photos seemed like a good idea to me.
Since I really didn't have anything planned, I suggested that we just run over to Edgewater beach just outside of downtown to shoot something with a summery vibe. As always Ashley brought along some great outfit combinations to work with, and, I brought along a bevy of cameras. Interestingly enough, this was actually the first time I've gone out to shoot with someone and not had a digital camera with me. Shooting instant film and medium format used to be something I did in addition to my digital work, which was the mainstay, but more and more I am leaning towards shooting more film. I won't ever completely drop digital, but film has definitely revitalized photographing models for me. (I will post some of the medium format shots from this shoot soon)

Photograph Info:
Location: Edgewater Beach, Cleveland

Camera: Polaroid SX-70 Sonar
Film: Impossible PX70 PUSH

11 May 2011

Impossible Project PX680 Beta & Fuji 3000b Negative - The Viv

Above is one of the first PX680 shots from the beta film that I got to come out the way I wanted. It was taken with a Polaroid One Step and available light.

Below, is a shot from the same day using the Fuji FP-3000b peel-a-part film in a Polaroid 250. I scanned the negative for this photo, inverted, and did a little contrast adjustment. I like the negatives, there's a bit more information in the shadow detail. You need to tweak, but you definitely get a good photo in the end.
The subject for both of these great photos, is the one and only Vivian. Viv is Tiffany's niece/Goddaughter. She's almost one, and she makes taking photos look easy.

Photograph Info:
Location: Waterford, PA
Camera: Polaroid OneStep & Polaroid Land 250
Film: Impossible PX680 Beta & Fuji FP-3000b Neg